
The information provided on this platform is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it may not be suitable for your specific financial situation or objectives. You should not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional financial advice. We recommend consulting with a qualified financial advisor or conducting your own research before making any financial decisions. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information, and we are not liable for any financial losses or damages resulting from actions based on the content provided here. Use the information at your own risk, and always exercise due diligence when making financial decisions.

Cobie and I like to keep this newsletter and our podcast evolving. We’d love to hear from you about what you like or dislike, what you’d like more or less of – both in the newsletter and podcasts. Do you have topics you’d like to hear a blog on? Do other people’s wealth journeys interest […]

THE PODCAST RELATED TO THIS BLOG IS AVAILABLE HERE One of the so-called sensible decisions most of us make when we start a family or buy a house is to take out ‘Life cover’. I know this is a grudge purchase – but think of it like this – it’s one way of ensuring that your […]

THE PODCAST RELATED TO THIS BLOG IS AVAILABLE HERE Having spent decades building up your wealth ecosystem so that it can sustain you in your old age – whether that’s by the way of traditional investments, a property portfolio or building a company so that it has valuable shares that can derive a sustainable dividend […]

In nature, weather is one of the volatile elements that ecosystems, concrete jungles and ordinary humans all must deal with daily. One of the reasons that humans have survived to become the dominant species over millennia is their ability to adapt the environment to suit themselves. They grow their food and don’t have to forage […]

The podcast on this post is available HERE Pruning plants is a task most of us gardeners are very familiar with, especially at this time of the year. A good pruning leads to better fruit, and flowers in the next season. Pruning is often done during the growing period too – it’s called “pinching out”. […]

Most of us have probably come across asset management fees in one way shape or form, and let’s face it is another of those ‘grudge purchases’ that we try and do away with or minimize as much as we can. Ironically, this distaste has not gone unnoticed in investments, and has led to the huge […]

Over the last few weeks markets and exchange rates have been exceptionally volatile as the horse-trading and negotiations around the GNU go on behind the scenes. While the ministerial positions have now been announced, this volatility is probably going to continue until everyone carves out their niches – and the ‘official opposition’ is not going […]

The podcast of the newsletter is available and you can download it HERE. We welcome all your input so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’ve got any queries or suggestions.   Dawn is going to be hosting Michael Avery’s Classic Business Radio show on Fine Music radio next week. You can stream it off the […]

Occasionally I am asked straight out what the value of a financial advisor is, and why they should be paying for the advice.  It’s not an unreasonable question given the experiences of some, especially those who had a product sold to them or where fees are still being collected from an investment product despite a […]

There has been plenty of press over the years on how high fees can impact on your investment – and has led to the trend toward ETFs, Trackers and DIY stock portfolios. It’s interesting to look back at the way the average person invests and how that has evolved over the decades. Before 1965 in […]